Writing things Down: the Secret to Achieving Anything you Want in your Life!

There is something so powerful about writing things down. Once you write something down you are in control, you own it. The situations below are perfect examples of when you should start jotting!

When you have a jillion thoughts running through your mind

Do you ever have one of those days where you already have tons to do, but new things keep popping into your head anyway? You know what I mean, you are trying to meet deadlines, do laundry, and think three days ahead of time. You keep going and doing but no matter how much you get done you still have more. Then you keep thinking of everything else you need to be doing and it’s hard to complete a task without thinking of a new one to start.

When this starts happening take 3 minutes to chill out. Grab a notepad and a pen and start jotting every little task you can think of down. Even if it’s a small job, write it down. Once you have written something down, you aren’t as likely to keep having it pop into your mind while you are doing something else. You won’t be as overwhelmed or stressed because you know you won’t forget anything. Keep your notepad handy so that if something new comes to mind you can add it to the list. Now you can just concentrate on the task at hand and start checking things off your list.

When you have a specific goal

If you have a specific goal in mind then write that goal down. Also write down any tasks associated with achieving your goal and make them into steps. Now set dates for all your steps to be completed by. You are much more likely to get into action if you have written a plan than if you just had a goal in mind. This is a technique I use all the time. Once you write something down and break it into parts it doesn’t seem as scary as one big goal. You can easily see how tiny steps today lead to huge accomplishments tomorrow!

When you have no clue where to start

Have you ever been in a situation where you had no idea what to do? I know I have. Whenever you are facing a problem or task that you feel is out of your control sit down with whatever information you do know about the subject. For instance, if your finances are out of control and you don’t know where you stand on your bills and debts; sit down with your paperwork. Grab all of your bills, bank statements, and other financial records and list everything on a piece of paper. Even if you are in a pretty deep hole, you now know where you stand. You now have the power to do what you need to do to change your situation. This works for everything in your life: nutrition, fitness, dating, relationships, finances, organizing, career change, goal setting, etc.

Grab some paper and a pen and start taking control your life and changing it for the better!