Move Your Body Let's Walk Today

Why Walking Works

Over 65 million walkers have made walking America's favorite exercise. So it's popular, but is it really an aerobic workout?

Yes! The key to effective aerobic exercise is maintaining an elevated heart rate for a certain amount of time, at least 20 minutes, on a daily basis. When we talk about mall walking, we're not talking about strolling through the mall, pausing to window shop, stopping for a latte. No, we mean walking with a purpose, at a pace fast enough that you're a bit challenged for at least 20 minutes. If you add a proper warm-up and cool down, you should plan 30 minutes for a proper aerobic workout.

Walking briskly can definitely get your heart rate up, as long as you put a bit of "oomph" into it. In fact, it can do so without some of the side effects and effort of more strenuous workouts.

* Easier on the joints.
* No special equipment or clothing needed.
* No special training needed.
* Can be done nearly anywhere, anytime!

Need Evidence? Here's What Walking Can Do For You

* Better resistance to colds and flu, the result of a boosted immune system.
* Improved mood, memory, and judgment.
* Help fighting glaucoma, insomnia, back pain, and high cholesterol, not to mention those "love handles!".

And here's the kicker: Not only can walking help you look and feel better now, but it's got long-term effects that can actually help prevent disease.

Whether you're looking for lifetime fitness or just want to be able to wear your shirt tucked in, walking can get you there.

Tips to make Mall Walking Fun

Here are some tips for making your mall-walking routine more enjoyable:

1. Walk with a buddy. Bring along a friend or meet up with one at the mall. Just make sure you’re both at a similar fitness level and can walk at the same pace for the same amount of time. (Family members make good walking buddies, too.)

2. Window shop. Mall walking is a great way to keep an eye out for bargains—especially if you’re at the mall several times a week. Walk by your favorite stores regularly to see what’s on sale.

3. Listen to your favorite tunes on your Ipod that are fast paced it’s a great motivator. Or just listen to music that moves you. (Many malls play music during mall-walking hours, which is enjoyable if you like what they play.)

4. Make plans for after your walk. You’ll be even more motivated if you have something special to look forward to such as coffee with friends, a breakfast or lunch date, or shopping at all the stores you’ve passed while walking.

5. Aim for the prizes. If your mall-walking program includes incentives for miles and/or hours walked, make it your goal to win a prize—then another, and another.

6. Play games. Remember the Alphabet Game during long family car trips? You can play it while mall walking. Look at signs throughout the mall, watching for words that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Once you’ve found one letter, move on to the next, and the next. You can also create your own mall-walking version of I Spy, or invent other “mind games.”

7. Set personal goals. Decide when and how to increase the frequency, duration, or intensity of your walks, then go for it! It may help to keep a journal of your successes, so you can see how much you’ve accomplished. Get creative with goal setting. For example, you could figure out the distance to a travel destination (a weekend getaway, a bed-and-breakfast), then reward yourself with a trip to that place once you’ve walked the number of miles it would take to get there.

8. Think, dream, and plan. Use this time to clear your head. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking about all the things you have to do at work or everything you need to catch up on at home. This is your time—dream about your summer garden, imagine a trip you’d like to take, plan a great meal for you and someone special, or just think about wonderful things you’d like to accomplish in the future.

9. Reward yourself. Give yourself a reward for walking—you’ve earned it. Stop for a fruit smoothie or low-fat yogurt, buy a new sweatshirt, get a massage, or take a hot bath when you get home. These small indulgences not only will remind you that you’re doing something positive for yourself but also will help motivate you to stick with your program.

Walk the Halls and Stairs

Guys don't be Lazy

Make your own walking circuit at your workplace or school. Any large building has opportunities for adding steps. Wear a step-counting pedometer, and aim to increase your average daily steps by 2,000 as a start. Use the stairs whenever going up or down 1 to 3 floors. You may make new friends in other areas of your workplace -- a networking opportunity –- or even form your own walking club. Remember get your 10,000 steps a day.

DVD Walking

I love these DVD's i use them all the time.

Leslie Sansone has a series of indoors walking workout videos designed for those with limited space to get a walking workout without a treadmill. All you need to do is clear a space in front of the TV or computer monitor and play the video or DVD to be led through a workout. These workouts burn calories and tone muscles. If Publish Postyou are training for a long walk, these videos do not substitute for training outdoors or on a treadmill as different muscles are worked.

Mall Walking to Lose Weight

Shopping malls around the world open their doors early for walkers.

* Out of the weather: Inside a climate controlled mall, walkers can dress comfortably and not worry about wind, rain, snow, ice, heat.
* Away from the traffic: No intersections to cross, broken glass or bushes obstructing the path, auto fumes or rush hour.
* Security: Walking with others and with mall security on duty.
* Restrooms and water: always nearby in the mall.

Clubs and Benefits for Mall Walkers

Besides these advantages, many malls actively encourage walkers with walking clubs, discounts, health check-ups, and mileage rewards. Often the walking club or program is sponsored by a local medical center. Membership is usually free and more information on joining may be found at the mall information kiosk.

Check for Mall Walking Programs

Check with your local mall at the information booth to find out what their program is for mall walking. Usually the mall will open early for walkers. But they may have identification buttons and goodies for walkers who join their walking program.

10,000 Steps a Day to Lose Extra Weight


"10,000 steps a day - pedometer walking program, walking routine, beginning walking, beginner walker"

How many steps do you walk each day?

Maybe you have heard the recent guidelines about walking 10,000 steps per day. How far is 10,000 steps anyway? The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles.

A sedentary person may only average 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. For these people adding steps has many health benefits. I have outlined the basic 10,000 steps program, but also added a commentary below.

A reasonable goal for most people is to increase average daily steps each week by 500 per day until you can easily average 10,000 per day. Example: If you currently average 3000 steps each day, your goal for week one is 3500 each day. Your week 2 goal is 4000 each day. Continue to increase each week and you should be averaging 10,000 steps by the end of 14 weeks.

By wearing a pedometer is an easy way to track your steps each day. Start by wearing the pedometer every day for one week. Put it on when you get up in the morning and wear it until bedtime. Record your daily steps in a log or notebook. By the end of the week you will know your average daily steps. You might be surprised how many (or how few) steps you get in each day.

There are many ways to increase your daily steps. Use your imagination and come up with your own list:

# Take a walk with your spouse, child, or friend
# Walk the dog
# Use the stairs instead of the elevator
# Park farther from the store
# Better yet, walk to the store
# Get up to change the channel
# Window shop
# Plan a walking meeting
# Walk over to visit a neighbor
# Get outside to walk around the garden or do a little weeding
# Join the local mall walking club

Continue to track your daily steps and/or mileage; and keep notes on how you feel, how your body is improving, or other changes you are making to improve your health.

If you are in very poor physical condition or at any point you feel that you are progressing too rapidly slow down a bit and try smaller increases. If you have any health concerns seek your physician's advice prior to starting or changing your exercise routine.

Notice: We have outlined the standard 10,000 step program because so many people ask about it. This is a good program to help get people motivated, or to get sedentary people moving. It is however our recommendation that most individuals fit 30 to 60 minutes of dedicated walking (or other exercise) into their routine at least 3 to 4 days a week. You can start with as little as ten minutes per day and gradually increase your walking routine.


# Burns calories
# Strengthens back muscles
# Slims your waist
# Easy on your joints
# Strengthens your bones
# Lowers blood pressure
# Shapes and tones your legs and butt
# Cuts cholesterol
# Reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes, & more
# Reduces stress
# Sleep better
# Improves mood and outlook on life
# Can be done almost anywhere
# Requires no equipment
# AND it's Free

Snacks to keep you Thin

If you're trying to lose weight, listen up: Snacks are your friends—as long as you eat the right ones. Eating between meals keeps up your energy levels and prevents you from overindulging, especially later in the day and at night when the munchies can really hit hard. Sometimes you truly need a substantial snack (say, if dinner is hours away); other times, you just need a small bite to satisfy a craving…and we have 10 that are sure to do the trick.

Satisfy your sweet tooth

1. 1⁄2 medium apple, baked, topped with 1 Tbsp low fat yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon (45 calories)

2. 1⁄2 small banana, frozen (45 calories)

3. 4 oz unsweetened applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon (49 calories)

4. 1 miniature box of raisins (45 calories)

5. 2 sugar-free ice pops (30 calories)

6. 1 sugar-free fudge ice pop (35 calories)

7. 12 cherries (48 calories)

8. 1 individual serving sugar-free gelatin with 3 Tbsp light whipped topping (40 calories)

9. 1⁄2 cup strawberries with 21⁄2 Tbsp nonfat yogurt (47 calories)

10. 14 seedless red grapes, frozen (48 calories)

35 Tips on Losing weight

1. Drink LOTS of Water Every Day!!!

Most people do not get enough water. Water is vital for the function of the kidneys that purify the blood. When the body does not get enough water some of the load is shifted to the liver. The liver's main function is to metabolize the body's fat for energy. If it is busy doing the kidney's job... You are not burning off fat! (Not to mention all the other benefits of a well hydrated body!)

Some recommend drinking 8 glasses of water each day, but that is the amount of water it takes for a sedentary 128 pounds person to stay hydrated. If you are bigger or more active, you will need more water to take care of your body's needs. (Makes sense to me!) Easy ways to figure out the minimum amount of water you need is to divide your weight by 2 and drink that many ounces of water daily.
Example: A 180-pound person would need a minimum of 90 ounces of water daily to stay hydrated.

2. Stop Eating "Fast Food"

Three words, "Super Size Me." McDonald's, Burger King & Wendy’s... They're all trying to KILL YOU! Just looking at the nutritional information alone is a health risk. Seriously!! You could have a heart attack from the SHOCK... and that's not even counting what eating that "food" does to you!

If you MUST eat "Fast Food," a sub place is really your only sane choice. Try one of Subway's "7 under 6" sandwiches. But try to pass on the chips; even if they are "baked" they have no real nutritional value.

Another trap to be wary of is the condiments you put on your sandwich. Cheese can add on up to 150 calories, and mayonnaise adds another 150! Skip the cheese and ask for spicy brown mustard instead of mayo.

3. Stop Eating Red Meat

It is not that HARD! There are lots of delicious meat alternatives out there. Find one that suits your palette.

4. Try to Limit Sweets

Please note, I did not say cut them out! Natural Sugar is the safest sweet, and it is a beautiful simple carbohydrate for your body to create energy from! Don't get sugar-free or "lite" treats. (Unless you are diabetic...) A TREAT should be a REAL treat!

5. Eat More Fruits

If there is only one simple thing you can do to improve your health: eat more whole fresh fruit. Nearly everyone likes fruit, and fruit is so convenient. It's nature's handy "prepackaged" snack food. Keep a bunch of bananas or a bag of apples/oranges nearby for frequent snacking throughout the day. This will curb hunger and keep your metabolism revved up, as well as keep your brain sharp! Fruits also help "combat" a sweet tooth and assists in fat loss and disease prevention.

Fruit juice - even if it's "100% juice" - has over 100 calories per 8 oz serving, and is not filling at all! Be sure to limit yourself to just one serving of fruit juice daily!
Here are some ways to start eating more fruit:

• Take an orange, apple, or banana to work and eat it as a snack each day.
• Be "romantic" and feed each other washed seedless grapes.
• Get a party tray of fresh strawberries and pineapple for dessert!
• Slice up a banana, or add raisins to your morning cereal.
• Add berries to plain yogurt, or put it all in the blender for a "smoothie".

6. Eat More Veggies

Veggies are so good, and good for you! There is no real reason not to eat them!!! You are an adult and you have the power to eat what you like. Gone are the childhood days of over-cooked mushy canned peas. Free yourself from those traumatic veggie memories of childhood and start thinking about the good ones! Remember how good those onions and peppers are on your Fajitas? How about the broccoli, pea pods, and baby corn in your favorite Chinese dish? Those are the kind of veggies you should think of!! (Not just "rabbit food.")

Here are some tips to start getting greener into your diet:

• Add lots of lettuce, tomato, onion, to your veggie burgers & subs.
• Make vegetable laden casseroles, or vegetarian chili.
• Add corn and/or diced tomatoes to your taco filling.
• Order a veggie or spinach pizza instead of a meat one.
• Order a spicy vegetable dish from the local Chinese/Thai/Indian restaurant.
• Always go for a garden salad, instead of a creamy soup.

7. Losing 1 to 2 Pounds a Week is The MAX

Slow and steady is the way to win this race!!! The safest way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to "cut" or burn-off 500 calories a day. 500 less calories daily equals about a pound a week weight loss. It’s okay to go as much as 2 pounds a week, but that is maximum rate at which humans can burn fat!!! If you lose more than 2 pounds in a week you are putting your health at risk! The human body cannot safely lose more than 2 pounds in a week. If you have lost more weight than that, it wasn't fat. Hopefully it is just "water," but you could be losing bone mass, muscles, or even vital organ tissue!

SLOW DOWN. You don't need to restrict yourself so much!!

WARNING: The human body MUST consume at least 1,200 calories a day to avoid neurological problems and other serious health risks.

8. Don't "Diet" When Dining Out

Surprised by this one? Going out to a nice restaurant is a treat, so get what you want!! Go ahead and order the crab-stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer, a butter-drenched pasta for your meal, and split a Chocolate Volcano for dessert! But do not take this as an opportunity to over eat! The trick to eating out, and eating what you want, is knowing your portion size. When your main dish arrives, set half of it aside to take home. If you are temped to eat all of it, ask for the take-home container right away. You can also ask for a "1/2 sized" or kid's sized portion to help you from over-eating.

Note: Remember that eating out is an indulgence and you should not do this more than once a week.

9. Switch on Your "Feast Mode" Metabolism

Don't fret about the pound or two you may gain from your weekly "feast" day. Feasts are actually good for your weight loss! How you may ask? Well, no matter how advance we think we are, our bodies are still very primitive. Our natural instinct to food is to eat, eat, And EAT!!! This is because we are also built to go long periods without food. When our bodies are introduced to ample food, our bodies eventually enter "feast mode," and your metabolism shifts into high gear to burn all the incoming food!

Having a feast day followed by moderate calorie control = excellent weight loss. But beware, many dieters fail because they restrict their calories too much and actually switch the body into starvation mode!!! In starvation mode the body takes all extra calories and stores them as fat!!

10. Eat Breakfast Every Day!

Eating a big breakfast helps to "trick" your body into "feast mode." Your body will be like, "Wow, we have FOOD today! It's a FEAST Day! BURN, BURN, BURN!!!

11. Be Active for at Least 30 Minutes Every Other Day

You do not have to do anything extreme, or even all at once, to burn calories. Just remember, little things add up.

Here are some easy ways to start burning more calories each day:

• Use the stairs.
• Park your car farther away from work or the store to get some extra walking done.
• Simple activities, like housework and gardening also burn a lot of calories.
• At work walk over and talk to your co-worker instead of e-mailing them.
• Take the "long way" to a co-worker's desk or go to the bathroom on another floor.
• Wear a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps a day.

Note: The Best time of day to exercise is before Dinner or before Breakfast. These are the times when your blood sugar is at its lowest. This will help you start burning fat faster.

12. Learn The REAL Size of Serving Sizes

At first you are like "WHAT?! Only this much?" But you'll soon learn that your EYES were WAY bigger than the stomach. Soon you will become more in tune with what your body really needs.

13. Get Smaller Plates

There is just something satisfying about having a FULL plate... so make it smaller to avoid overeating!

14. Eat Slowly!

Eat what you love, savor and enjoy your food, take the time to taste it! Extra time eating lets you feel full with less food. Many people eat too fast and then overeat.

Tips to help you eat better:

• Take drinks of water between bites to fill you up faster and clear the palette.
• Cut up your food and eat it in bites as if you were going to feed it to a small child.
• Close your eyes and really focus on the texture and tastes you are experiencing.
• Do not eat while watching T.V. or other distracting activities!

15. Stop Eating When You Are Full!

This may seem like a no-brainier, but so many people have been "programmed" to clean their plate. Pay close attention to your body when you are eating. When it signals you are full - STOP!!! Continuing to eat does not help the "starving children in the world;" it only makes you fatter.

If you are prone to pick at the remains throw them away immediately, cover them with a napkin, or move them out of reach. If there is enough left over, stick it in the fridge for later.

16. Do Not Keep a Candy Dish

You will be prone to "just have one" but then you'll end up having "just one more." This will lead to the consumption of 100s of extra calories each day. Keep yourself safe, and start using that candy dish as a paperclip holder or to store loose change.

17. Do Not Eat Directly Out of the Bag

Get out the measuring cups, and see what one portion is!
Tip: Pre-measure servings into Ziploc bags, or buy the "variety pack" of individual bags.

18. Keep Food Out of Reach

If you are sitting at a table and there is a serving bowl of food in front of you, you will be prone to eat more. Keep your serving and eating areas separate. (Food in Kitchen / Eat in Dining Room) If you are at a party do not lurk by the food table. Most "party foods" are EXTREMELY high in calories! Try to be active and social. Start a party game, and focus on the people, not the "cute" finger foods.

19. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and Caffeine DEHYDRATE. Dehydration is really BAD for weight loss. (Remember all that kidney / liver stuff?!) Alcohol also damages your liver, not to mention kills your brain cells!!! Alcohol also has lots of hidden calories. Hard liquors are not required to post their nutritional facts which leads to TONS of uncounted calories! You can find another form of entertainment!

20. Do Not Eat to Be "NICE"

If your co-worker brings in cookies or brownies, You Are NOT Obligated To Eat Them!!! If you think it is okay to have 300 extra calories, then go ahead, just remember to count those calories! Tip: If you are shy about refusing, take the goodie back to your desk then THROW IT AWAY!

21. Create "NO FOOD" Areas at Home

Make a "rule" for your home that food can only be consumed in certain places, like at the dining room table. This will prevent you from mindlessly eating in front of the T.V, Computer, or other area where you are prone to over-eat. Remember to keep those serving and eating areas separate!!

22. Go for Quality Over Quantity

Honestly, who wants one cup of "LITE" frozen lime sherbet for 100 calories, when you can have ½ a cup of Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream for 300? Yeah, it is half the amount, and three times the calories... but it's a MILLION times the pleasure!! Remember - some calories are just worth it!

Note: This tip assumes you would prefer the chocolate ice cream over lime sherbet. If you prefer the lime sherbet, more power to you! :)

23. Give BIG Rewards For Reaching Your Goals

Rewards are always something I really want!! Try starting a collection of something that you REALLY enjoy, but you can't get the next one until you reach your goal. You must be strong. DO NOT CRUMBLE AND JUST BUY IT ANYWAY!! Your goal must be tantalizing enough to inspire you! If you love new clothes, say you'll get new pants when you reach your goals... and who knows; they could be a size smaller!

Tip: Never, EVER, set FOOD as a goal.

24. Have a picture of you in all your "fat glory"

Trust me when I say that looking at a candid shot of all your "rolls/flabby arms / extra chin(s)" can really help stop a food craving. Think of this picture as the "old you" and get a glass of water instead! Find a picture of yourself the way you use to be and post it around the house. This will give you a visual image of your goal.

25. Take Up a Hobby That Burns Calories

Curling, Yoga, Tai Chi, Hiking, Biking, Dancing, etc... (You've got the idea!)

26. Take Up a Hobby That Keeps Your Hands Busy

Without the use of your hands, it is hard to put food in your mouth!

• Knitting
• Crocheting
• Drawing
• Painting
• Pottery
• Gardening

27. Get Back in the Saddle

There will be times when you feel like you "fell from grace" because you "Pigged-out at McDonald's" or you "haven't worked out in 2 weeks." You might be discouraged by your slow progress, and start thinking to yourself that you were "Happier FAT, so why are you going through all this trouble to lose weight?"

This is when you have to show your STRENGTH and KEEP AT IT!

We all know that nobody is perfect. So what if you polished off a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in one sitting. That does not mean you have FAILED at weight loss. You just have to let it slide, and keep going!!!

28. Don't Give Up!!!

Let's say you're driving down the road, and you blow a tire. Do you get out of your car, and slash the other three tires? No. You wouldn't!! You'd call for help, or change the flat yourself, and keep going!!! Slashing your tires would just makes things worse for you, but this is how many people treat their weight loss.

When someone blows his/her diet she often starts "slashing her tires." He/she believes since they "failed" at weight loss, they might as well keep pigging out!

This is the mentality you have to break free from! If you do have a "blow-out," change that tire, and get back on your weight loss plan! Don't Give UP!!!
29. Do Not Punish Yourself

Do not bike for 2 hours to "make-up for" an eating "offense." This kind of behavior will only cause self-loathing and discourage you more. This could lead to a cycle of binging and punishment... WHICH IS AN EATING DISORDER!

30. Try New Foods

Try out all sorts of "new & exotic" fruits and veggies, or try eating at a new "type" of restaurant.
• Thai
• Indian
• Japanese
• Greek
• Afghani
• Himalayan
• Jamaican
• Etc.

31. Ease Into A Healthy Lifestyle

You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. Bodies do not like change, so you have to gradually "trick" it into being healthy. Start small, like taking a short walk three times a week, or adding more veggies to your diet. Over time start building and adding more healthy habits.

It takes about 21 days to form a good habit so stick with it! If you can't stick with it, try something simpler. Remember: Baby-Steps!!

32. You're Not Hungry! You're THIRSTY!!!

Many people confuse thirst for hunger. When your body needs fluids, it sends out a message that most people perceive as hunger, which leads to unnecessary calorie consumption. Don't get fooled! If you feel "Thirsty," it means that you have already begun dehydrating!!! WATER, WATER, WATER!!!

33. Get Some Shut Eye

It may be hard to believe, but sleep is one of the best things you can do for weight loss. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin, a blood protein that suppresses appetite and seems to affect how the brain senses when the body has had enough food. Sleep deprivation also raises levels of grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat. Most Americans do not get the "normal nights sleep" of 7-9 hours and this could be linked to the obesity epidemic we have today.

• People who sleep two to four hours a night are 73% more likely to be obese than normal sleepers.
• People who get five hours of sleep are 50% more likely to be obese.
• People who get six hours were 23% more likely to be obese.
• People who get ten or more hours are 11% LESS likely to be obese.

Another good thing about sleep and weight loss is that even though sleeping burns the fewest calories for any activity; When you are sleeping, you can't eat!!

34. Pump Some Iron

Muscle = Metabolism. Strength training is the most effective form of exercise for improving body composition, because building new muscle tissue burns tremendous calories while resting and muscle tissue itself also burns calories 24/7 just to maintain itself!!! If that wasn't cool enough, muscles also increase your body’s NATURAL testosterone, which is a powerful anti-depressant in both men and women, and helps fighting against binges and other counter-productive behavior. It also boosts the sex drive for both genders, without negative side effects. (Please don't confuse your body's natural, healthy hormones with the adverse effects of dangerous drugs such as anabolic steroids.) Not to mention that being stronger is pretty cool in and of itself!

Many people seem to ignore proper strength training in their physical fitness routines, believing it to be "men's stuff". But that's not true. For example, with sufficient intensity, a single 30 minute workout once per week will produce dramatic results in burning body fat.

The key is the intensity of the workout. If you don't push yourself hard enough, lifting weights won't do you much good. The harder you push yourself within a workout session, the better your results will be. The other keys to remember are to always use proper form (rather than lifting too much weight with poor form) and to never exercise a sore muscle.

35. How to "Survive" a Buffet or Potluck

When at a Buffet or Potluck the common desire is to "sample a bit of everything," but you cannot do this and lose weight! When faced with a smorgasbord start by drinking a full glass of ice water. Then survey all they have to offer. Choose the one high-calorie item you would like the most, then limit yourself to one 1/4 plate serving. Fill the rest of your plate with fruits & veggies. When you get back to your table eat the fruits and veggies first. Save the best for last! Be sure to keep drinking lots of water to help you feel full faster!
Note: Many items at a "salad bar" (sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, croutons, salad dressings...) can be very high in calories. Be very careful when constructing your salad. Keep the dressing on the side and extra toppings to a minimum!

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Think and Be Thin FAQs

Think and be Thin FAQs

How fast can I lose weight?

Recommended healthy levels of weight loss are about 1 pound per week for females and 1 1/2 pounds per week for males. You may find at first that your weight drops more quickly, but the majority of initial weight lost beyond a pound or two in the first few weeks tends to be just water. We all want results fast but weight lost quickly does not tend to stay off; in fact in such a case the tendency is to gain back more weight than was actually lost in the first place.

Think and be Thin helps you reprogram your subconscious mind to make positive changes, when the changes are made the mind and body can work together. All diets seem to forget this. Weight loss will come when the two come together and join forces to work together towards your goal. Only hypnosis works with the power of your subconscious mind to create these changes.

I've dieted before, how come it didn’t work?

Diets don’t work long-term. That’s why people regain the weight they lose while on diets. The statistics show that the majority of people regain their weight within a year and almost all regain their weight within 5 years. The reason why diets really don’t work is because the majority of them are not realistic. You just can’t live with them for an extended period of time.
With the Think and be Thin program we work with physical cravings of the body and thoughts of food in the mind, this is why our program works.

How much exercise do I need to do?

The first step is to just start moving your body. Get active. Get up and move at every opportunity. Park the car at the furthest point from the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk around the block a few times.

The second step is to move up a level: a regular fitness program. Everyone’s program is different. Do what you enjoy. Don’t force yourself to do something you hate, and start out small, design a program that works for you.

What methods do you teach?

We teach self-hypnosis and visualization techniques with over 15 years of experience.
Weight Loss through hypnosis has been recently featured on Dateline TV as one of the most successful and beneficial methods of losing weight. In a weight loss challenge they compared some of the most popular methods and hypnosis came out on top with the person feeling great, more relaxed and motivated in many areas including exercise!