Burn More Calories in Less Time

The way to shape up fast is no secret. Weight training will sculpt and build lean muscle, which (unlike fat) burns calories on its own; cardio (brisk walking, biking, jogging, etc.) will shed the fat hiding those defined muscles. I'm a cardio fan from way back, but who wants to slog away on a treadmill in a dull gym, going nowhere fast (or slow, as the case may be)? Not me! Especially when you can spend less time and get better results.

The secret is intervals. Study subjects who spent just 20 minutes mixing sprints with jogging lost three times the fat off their legs and butt in 15 weeks, compared to those who jogged steadily for 40 minutes, research from the University of New South Wales in Sydney finds. Intervals may spark fat-mobilizing hormones, and they amp your cardio capacity so your future runs will actually feel easier.

I like relaxing runs, but if you do the same slog every day, you can suffer from what's sometimes called "postman's syndrome"—named for those who do the same walk every day and yet their bodies never change. Your muscles become so efficient at a movement over time that if you do it day after day and eat the same way, you never overtax your system and burn more calories to lose weight.

The answer is to mix up your cardio either by changing your workout around or adding speedy bursts—meaning intervals. Intervals can be fun if you approach them right. Each one represents a mini goal—finish the 1-minute sprint, complete the 2-minute cool down, and so on. I feel more pumped up doing this and never get bored. Now put on those running shoes and lets go.


Dave Picchioni said...

I saw you in Roundup Montana over the 4th of July and was amazed at how you got my fiance to fall asleep on stage and go through all of the different motions on stage. My good friend's daughter was picked to be Carrie Underwood, and I was floored when she got up and started singing. After the show I talked with you and your wife briefly and bought your "Think and Be Thin," cds. I was very commited to listening to them for the 21 days as suggested, and since the 4th, I've lost 21 lbs. Before listening to your cds I was having trouble getting motivated to workout and just wanted to sit and eat everything in the house. Now, walk or ride my ellptical every morning and have stuck to my diet for 2 months. In reading through some of your blogs, I see that you suggest many of the same things that are listed in "The ABS Diet." This book was written by the editor of Men's Health. The blog about burning more calories in minutes is in there and also the topic of eating a large breakfast to kick off the day. The success that I've found lately is a combination of your cds and the diets/workout from "The ABS Diet." So, when I came to your site and saw you talking about those topics, I knew I was on the right track.

Thanks for all your help.

Hypnotist Terrance B said...

Thanks Dave! It's always great to here feed back. Keep up the good work. Terrance