Think and Be Thin FAQs

Think and be Thin FAQs

How fast can I lose weight?

Recommended healthy levels of weight loss are about 1 pound per week for females and 1 1/2 pounds per week for males. You may find at first that your weight drops more quickly, but the majority of initial weight lost beyond a pound or two in the first few weeks tends to be just water. We all want results fast but weight lost quickly does not tend to stay off; in fact in such a case the tendency is to gain back more weight than was actually lost in the first place.

Think and be Thin helps you reprogram your subconscious mind to make positive changes, when the changes are made the mind and body can work together. All diets seem to forget this. Weight loss will come when the two come together and join forces to work together towards your goal. Only hypnosis works with the power of your subconscious mind to create these changes.

I've dieted before, how come it didn’t work?

Diets don’t work long-term. That’s why people regain the weight they lose while on diets. The statistics show that the majority of people regain their weight within a year and almost all regain their weight within 5 years. The reason why diets really don’t work is because the majority of them are not realistic. You just can’t live with them for an extended period of time.
With the Think and be Thin program we work with physical cravings of the body and thoughts of food in the mind, this is why our program works.

How much exercise do I need to do?

The first step is to just start moving your body. Get active. Get up and move at every opportunity. Park the car at the furthest point from the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk around the block a few times.

The second step is to move up a level: a regular fitness program. Everyone’s program is different. Do what you enjoy. Don’t force yourself to do something you hate, and start out small, design a program that works for you.

What methods do you teach?

We teach self-hypnosis and visualization techniques with over 15 years of experience.
Weight Loss through hypnosis has been recently featured on Dateline TV as one of the most successful and beneficial methods of losing weight. In a weight loss challenge they compared some of the most popular methods and hypnosis came out on top with the person feeling great, more relaxed and motivated in many areas including exercise!

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